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  • Naomi Kawase | TEDxTokyo 2012

    Naomi Kawase’s loving but unblinking cinematic gaze turns ordinary lives and mundane moments into mesmerizing dramas. At the 1997 Cannes International

  • Taketeru Kudo | TEDxTokyo 2013

    The source of Taketeru Kudo’s combustive physical artistry lies in a never-fulfilled quest to discover the core of human existence. His expressionist,

  • Jin Tatsumura | TEDxTokyo 2010

    Born into a family of renowned Japanese textile designers with a four-century tradition and trained under the expert eyes of his father and grandfathe

  • LJ Rich | TEDxTokyo 2014

    LJ Rich has a remarkable and rare condition called synaesthesia. A kind of ‘mingling of the senses’ that can manifest itself in a number o

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    When he was just 25, Yoshiharu Habu became the only player ever to simultaneously seize all seven titles of the ancient board game known as shogi. He’

  • John Ken Nuzzo | TEDxTokyo 2012

    Sometimes the libretto to a life is already written. John Ken Nuzzo was a university business major in California before he seriously contemplated a p

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    Yale University Senior and Comedian, Yael Zinkow performs a stand up routine on how to give the perfect TED talk.

  • Hayashiya Imamaru | TEDxTokyo 2010

    Give most people a pair of scissors, tell them to get creative, and you might get a string of paper dolls or a few snowflakes. Give Hayashiya Imamaru

  • Black | TEDxTokyo 2011

    Black’s professional livelihood hangs by a string—and the young Japanese world yo-yo champion wouldn’t have it any other way. After being crowned the

  • Jennifer Tortorello and Adrienne Westwood | TED-Ed

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  • Open Reel Ensemble | TEDxTokyo 2012

    In 2009, composer Ei Wada and four musician friends―Kimitoshi Sato, Takuya Namba, Yu Yoshida and Tadashi Yoshida―had a wacky retro idea: Let’s mix ana

  • Maro | TEDxTokyo 2011

    Even standing in place, a juggler requires a preternatural sense of timing, touch, balance and position. Add acrobatics, mime and dance to the equatio