Kanae Doi | TEDxTokyo 2010
Two years ago, Kanae Doi persuaded New Yorkbased nongovernmental organization Human Rights Watch to open an office in Japan—only the NGO’s second in Asia. Since then, Kanae has single-handedly run the organization’s activities as Tokyo director, striving to convince local politicians and government officials that financial aid isn’t the only thing regional recipients need from Japan; victims around the world look to Japan for leadership in stopping rights abuses. She also spreads the word through the media, advises the Japanese government on foreign policy, and seeks out funding from private sources. An attorney whose practice included refugee law, immigration law, constitutional law and criminal defense, Kanae has frequently given media interviews and published on these issues in the Japanese press. She has a law degree from the University of Tokyo and a master’s degree in international studies from the New York University School of Law.